There’s so much news and almost all of it is the same news, all the time. I’ve muted all the usual words and phrases to try to just see the stuff from people I know and care about. That stuff doesn’t get muted because real things don’t have hashtags.
In news from Outside, the strawberries are flowering (they’re in the greenhouse) and the leaves are about to open on the cherry, pear and plum trees. The cherry tree’s rootstock has sent up suckers and those are now flowering. With the reduction in traffic and so on the air is full of birdsong now. This is all good too.
I’ve done the March months thing and I’m going to try and do the April one this weekend. I’ve put up most of the gold frames and made shapes and patterns in them out of coloured card. Those will eventually get replaced as I make things but at the speed I go and the time I’ve got they’ll probably be there for a while.