Week 23

Week 23

  • That whole magic medicine thing. It's strange to just be able to walk around, you know, like a normal person.
  • Which means I've lost weight. Quite a lot.
  • I've finally set up my AxiDraw, and it's a hell of a lot of fun. Using Inkscape is a little frustrating, but I've been making the artwork using Illustrator and bringing it in, so haven't had to use that antediluvian interface much.
  • I've been painting as well, which feels good.
  • And drawing!
  • And drawing on the iPad Pro, which I think is the computer I always wanted. I've turned off notifications on pretty much everything, because notifications are not the computer I always wanted.
  • The crows keep attacking all the unripe cherries on the tree. Last year I put a net over it but it was such a pain to do. It's not like we're denying the crows their cherries, we were just making them wait til they're ripe (there were more than enough to go around).
  • Remortgaging is going through OK. Got some call from a snippy little shit in the conveyancing company with a 'gentle reminder' about sending the forms back I'd only got the day before. Gentle reminder indeed. It's like 'polite notice'. Anything but. Ugh.
  • Still, it'll save us money, and we've fixed it so that Brexit or not it'll stay the same price for a while.
  • The election thing. Jeez. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. As much as I don't want her to succeed in any of her lunatic schemes, I did feel sorry for Theresa May a bit. It was the face of someone who has seriously fucked up and isn't sure what to do. I've been there. Still, I hope she continues to fail.
  • Faint hope that Brexit might not happen at all now. I really, really hope it doesn't.