Week 16

Week 16


  • Carrrrrrpetttttt. Weeks of floorboards and now two rooms have proper carpet and apparently duvet-thick underlay. It's amazing. We had to get the doors trimmed so they could close.
  • That means we can use our living room and bedroom again, which feels luxurious.
  • Decorating is grim though.
  • Deciding on a change to how my studio gets decorated to minimise the grimness.
  • Wood filler is really not the texture I was expecting.
  • Caulking, however, is.
  • All the bits of things that collect in places, like sediment. Some screws, receipts, a sock, a statement, an open wrapper holding something that might be a totally important part for something but you just can't be sure.
  • Still, plenty of good stuff too. I found exactly the right size candles for a pair of 60s sconces I bought on etsy.
  • Birthdays!