Autumn 2024
I've taken a lot of photos lately and not posted many. I'm thinking about making a photoblog again, but definitely not a daily photo one like I used to.
One of the many nice things about having the workshop finished is I can sit there and look at the garden, and take photos of birds on the shrubs and trees.
High thin clouds mean moonbows!
I tried a ginger biscuit recipe from Philip Khoury's A New Way to Bake. They weren't very good. I tried a couple of tricks to get them to work, but no. Instead I used this one from Domestic Gothess and it was nice. That's the second recipe I've tried of Khoury's and it hasn't worked either time. I suspect he's got recipes that work in the Harrod's kitchen when making huge batches, but they don't work at domestic sizes. The amounts of things like baking powder in metric don't match the equivalent values in imperial. 1 tsp is sometimes listed as 3g or 2.8g or 4g. That says to me a larger recipe is being reduced and getting rounded off.