I bought a pen. I never usually need much excuse to buy drawing supplies but I’d been umming and ahhing over this. So a dinky little Kaweco Sport turned up, and has been a lot of fun to draw with.
The honeysuckle above I drew with my iPad Pro. The iPad touchscreen gets worse and worse, periodically and randomly not accepting touch input for a few seconds to a few minutes until you sleep and wake it. There are several threads about it on the Apple forums. It might be a hardware thing, a software thing, or both. It might be because of the refresh rate thing, or the pencil, no one knows. Some have had their devices replaced only for the new one to get the same problem. It’s an absolute pain in the arse and not something you want from an expensive tool. Someone will inevitably and tediously quote “it just works” so, I just did it for you.
I bought some old tatty gilt frames on eBay, I have a plan to fill them with paintings I’ll make, something bright and graphical.