Wet Summer

This June was the wettest on record in the UK. It rained, and rained, and rained. I kind of hoped I’d have painted the workshop by now but it’s been so wet I haven’t had a chance. Any dry weather we’ve had I’ve been at work.

A wet Nye Bevan rose.

I like these Nye Bevan roses but when they get wet they fill with water and hang down and turn to mush. This one was lucky and hadn’t filled up yet.

A damp rose
Another damp rose
A damp rose bud

These are two different varieties. One is “Orange Delight” and I don’t know the other, it was in the garden when we moved here.

A blackbird in a rose bush

This is the other rose from above. I need to prune it and will try again to take cuttings from it. The roses it produces are huge and are extremely fragrant. But! A bird in the bush! None in the hand. It’s a proverb subtracted by one.

Oriental lilies

When the sun did come out, it was glorious. These lilies just popped up, I planted them years ago and they did nothing for a whole year, and then boom.


One positive effect of all the rain is how green everything is.