Four Quarter Moons

Four pictures of the moon, all taken around one in the afternoon today. I experimented with different things to try to bring out the detail as the moon in full daylight is a composition in blue pastel.

The last picture is an unaltered one straight from the camera - I used a Nikon p900 for these, I am so tempted to get the p1000 for the extra zoomyness.

The clearest of the images

This was the clearest. I used iPadOS built in tools first, adjusting contrast and brightness, then took it into Pixelmator and used its ML adjust then mucked about with saturation and curves.

This one came out blue

This time I used Pixelmator ML, curves, saturation and tint first, then iPadOS tools. I used some of the noise reduction too. If the first one is the clearest, I think this one is the most attractive. It was a blue sky, I like that the blue is still there.

Lots of noise came out in the processing of this

This I just used curves in Pixelmator, moving the dark node to the leftmost bit of the histogram, the light node to the right most and left a straight line between. Basically "auto levels" in Photoshop! I like how it looks like a 19th Century daguerreotype that's been colourised. It's much more painterly.

Straight from camera. Pastel!

And that's how they looked in their unaltered glory. Pastel!