I haven't done updates in a while, and we're already in week 5 of 2019 so here's a monthnote for January.
I went to New Adventures Conference) in Nottingham. Some highlights of that:
Emma Boulton's UX Discovery workshop was great. Could have done with being a whole day but I learned a lot and was pretty much wiped out by lunchtime anyway.
Page 45! Not part of the conference but it is in Nottingham and I've been meaning to visit for ages. I picked up a copy of the just-released-in-English Sergio Toppi collection: The Enchanted World. I love Toppi's work.
The talks themselves. They were all* good. That's really an amazing achievement. They covered a range of topics from setting up a business through language, accessibility, inclusivity and awareness of how what we build can and will be misused, finishing with Ethan Marcotte's talk at the end with a call for us to unionise. That got a round of spontaneous applause.
Last but not least, ending on a happy note: Stickybones! This was a project on Indiegogo I backed at the start of February 2016, and it arrived on January 30th this year. Some projects just take a while I suppose. It's a posable figure to help with drawing and so on. That's it in the top picture. Actually poseable!